We work with builders to integrate beautiful, efficient solar roof tiles into new homes at the point of construction. When you partner with Rayva, you’ll enjoy reduced construction costs, applicable tax incentives, and the joy (and competitive advantage) of providing renewable energy to your customers.

A Cost-Effective Solution
Rayva Solar and Energy System
Example system: 5kW Solar/~30kWh Battery/EV Charger
Rayva Solar 5kW System at $2.10/watt: $10,500
Rayva ventilated roof system (INCLUDED): $0.00
Rayva home energy storage at ~15kWh: $12,500
Rayva Level 2 Dual Ruggedized EV Charger: $500
Total: $23,500
* Pricing includes installation
Available Federal and State Incentives*
Federal ITC: 30% of Rayva Energy Solution
Solar/battery/EV charger: -$7,050
Ventilated roof (Avg roof cost of $15,000): -$4,500
Federal Energy Star (MAX with HERS of = <65): -$2,500
Federal ZERH (MAX with HERS of = <55): -$5,000
State Tax Incentives (Example: Arizona): -$1,000
*Tax credits are estimates only and are subject to change.
Claiming Incentives: Homebuilder or Homeowner?
Federal Tax Incentives:
ITC (Investment Tax Credit): Homebuilder OR Homeowner
EnergyStar (Energy Efficient New Home): Home Builder
DOE "ZERH" (Zero Energy Ready Home): Home Builder
State Tax Incentives (varies by state): Homeowner
Rayva will guide you through your state or states’ incentives as part of our partnership.
*Homebuilders can qualify for ITC via Tax Equity Financing. Contact us for more information from a member of the Rayva team.
Rayva Solar
The Rayva Process
Building integrated solar doesn’t have to be complicated. Our simplified process of integrating innovative solar tiles into construction reduces inefficiencies and expenses while streamlining your operations.

Step 1: DESIGN
We work with you and your team to craft a custom partnership that helps you save money on construction costs while streamlining processes for integrating solar into your blueprints.

Rayva’s team guides you through the streamlined Rayva Solar Tile installation process, providing guidance on the technology, maintenance, and how to maximize tax incentives from solar energy.

Step 3: ENJOY
Once installed, your Rayva solar system is ready to use by the homeowner, whom you can pass down tax incentives to if you so choose.